Ubuntu Eee – The OS Your EEE Should Have Been Born With

On finishing a long contract and project at the BBC a few months ago, I was incredibly touched to be given a brand new Asus EEE PC as a leaving gift by my colleagues. Although I loved the tiny form factor and take it with me practically everywhere, I was never quite satisfied with the …

Fetch and Parse HTML Web Page Content From Bash. Wow.

Okay, this is another one of those linux newbie posts where I tried to figure out how to do something that’s probably really obvious to all you seasoned hackers out there. Anyway here I go clogging up the internet with a post that somebody, somewhere will hopefully find useful. Are you that person? Well… have …

Use Rsync to Copy Your ASP.NET Website

If you’ve ever tried to copy the source files from a Visual Studio 2005 ASP.NET solution, especially if you’re using TFS and Resharper, you’ll have probably noticed all great steaming heaps of fluff and nonsense these tools leave all over your hard drive. Not to mention all the built assemblies lurking in your bin/Debug folders. …

Printing Your Todo.txt Lists to Index Cards at the Command Line

Like a few other people, I’m over kGTD. In the first flushes of my infatuation with the way of GTD she was good to me, showed me a few tricks I’d never seen before. We had some good times, syncing away. But my iCal started to fill up with billions of pointles calendars, my projects …

Web-Based Backup… Via a Trickle

A project I’ve been meaning to do for some time is set up a backup of the crucial folders on my home server to somewhere on the web. Preferably somewhere free, like my existing dreamhost space. What I didn’t really consider is… and I bet you’ve already guessed it, dear reader: the piddly-poor upload speed …

SSH on Cygwin

I’m following Gina Trapani’s outstanding tutorials on lifehacker to get me some of that unix command-line joy on the rusty old windows box in the corner. Note to other linux-naive cygwin users out there. If you want to install the ssh command, look for the package called ‘openssh’. No amount of staring at the packages …