Matt vs NYC

New York is one of my favourite cities in the world. I’m extremely fortunate to be able to spend a whole week there next week. I’ll be mostly hanging out at QCon:

I’m also going to run a couple of sessions at General Assembly on Thursday evening. If you can’t afford the time or ticket price for QCon, this might be a good option to come along and hear some of my ideas:

  • At 6pm on Thursday I’ll be doing an intro-level talk on BDD. It’s aimed at business people, development managers etc who want to get an idea of the benefits of specification by example and a wider BDD process. Sign up here.
  • at 8pm on Thursday I’ll be doing my ‘BDD as if you meant it’ demonstration, using the example from the middle section of The Cucumber Book. If you’re already using Cucumber, this should give you some fresh perspective and insights about how to use it most effectively. Sign up here.

Finally, I’m honoured to be spending Saturday on the bill with some amazing people at the Gotham Ruby Conference. I’m going to be speaking about hexagonal rails. I’m excited and nervous about this talk, as I feel like I’m still discovering so much about this topic all the time.

As well as all this geekery, I’d love to get some proper culture while I’m in town. Are there any locals who would like to show me around?

Published by Matt

I write software, and love learning how to do it even better.

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