Are Ruby conferences taking us in the wrong direction?

I just got back from Baruco. I had a wonderful time, made new friends and caught up with some old ones. but I was still left with a concern. That’s what this post is about. The whole event felt very professional and well-run. Many of the speakers were people who I recognised or knew from …

Public BDD Training (London, October)

So far all of my BDD training has been done in-house as private courses for companies. That’s about to change. On October 8th – 11th Chris Parsons and I will be running four one-day training workshops in London focussed on BDD and specification by example. These are the same courses we’ve been successfully running in-house …

Matt vs NYC

New York is one of my favourite cities in the world. I’m extremely fortunate to be able to spend a whole week there next week. I’ll be mostly hanging out at QCon: I’ll be speaking at QCon on Monday afternoon about the use and abuse of other people’s Cucumbers. I’m running a hands-on BDD workshop …

A vision for Cucumber 2.0

At last month’s CukeUp conference, I held a panel discussion between Aslak Hellesoy, Julien Biezemans, Oriol Gual and Jonas Nicklas. I chose these panelists because each of them has written a variation on the original Ruby Cucumber, and I wanted to try to pull these ideas together into a vision for Cucumber 2.0. This post …

Hexagonal Rails – Introduction

A few months ago, development of reached what is a familiar but rather unpleasant plateau for me. Up until that point, it had been developed using conventional Ruby on Rails idioms, with controllers that talk directly to ActiveRecord class methods to make queries, then set instance variables to pass the results of those queries to …

Free BDD Coaching

In this blog post, I will reveal a secret to you. A secret that can get you access to free, hands-on BDD coaching from some of the world’s leading experts like Aslak Hellsøy, Mike Sassak, Greg Hnatiuk, Joseph Wilk and even me, Matt Wynne. Yes, that’s right: absolutely FREE. Would you like to know how? …

Commands vs Queries

There are some fascinating discussions going on over on the mailing list for Avdi Grimm’s excellent e-book, Objects on Rails. Recently, in a discussion about command-query separation and Dan Kubb posted this little piece of beauty: One convention I use is that query methods are idempotent and return a value, while command methods change state, …

Announcing The Cucumber Book (Beta)

I love using Cucumber to help me write software. I almost find it hard to imagine doing it any other way. I want more people to discover this for themselves, so for the last year or so Aslak and I have been writing a book all about using Cucumber for Behaviour-Driven Development: We hope we’ve …

Fixing my testing workflow

Okay I’m bored of this. I need to talk about it. I love to use Ruby, RSpec, Cucumber and Rails to do test-driven development, but my tools for running tests are just infuriatingly dumb. Here’s what I want: When a test fails, it should be kept on a list until it has been seen to …

Targeting Multiple Platforms (JRuby etc) with a RubyGems .gemspec

Recently we had a user who runs the relish gem on JRuby, and needed jruby-openssl to be loaded. He kindly submitted this patch, which I merged in without really thinking about it too much. Then the problems started. That’s not the right way to express dependencies for different platforms using RubyGems and Bundler. I’ve done …