Sandi Metz’s Practial Object Oriented Design comes to London!

I’m delighted to announce that I’ll be joining Sandi Metz to teach two [courses on Object-Oriented design]( this summer in London.

Two Truths I’ve Learned About Writing Clean Rails Apps

In summary: Implement every feature without javascript first, add javascript as a progressive enhancement Stick to REST. Always. Now I’m as suspicious of absolute rules as you probably are, but these two have served me extremely well in keeping my Rails code clean and easy to maintain. I’m happy to push the boat out and …

Software as an Art Form

I just came across an article written five years ago by Richard Gabriel proposing a university course run along the lines of his own Master’s in Fine Arts in poetry. The idea evidently gathered some momentum at the time, but now seems to have come to a halt. What a shame. I’ve had an idea …

Model-View-Presenter (MVP) Anti-Patterns

As I work with the MVP / Passive View / Humble View pattern more in ASP.NET, I’m gaining an understanding of some common smells or anti-patterns that can happen when you try to implement this pattern and haven’t quite grokked it yet. Some of these are problems I’ve had to pull out of my own …